Sunday, March 26, 2017

Keeping Retro AR

So recently I got the new RAS hanguards. Turns out that they are not Knights Armament but instead a company called P&S. I don't care. They seem like amazing quality.

I was having a little trouble getting the handguards on so I posted to a Facebook page called AR15 Builders Forum (SNOB Free). A guy gave me a suggestion and it worked amazinly!  I still have to get around to doing a write up of those handguards but I haven't because...

I'm keeping the Retro AR retro. Not gonna modernize it. I was in the process of pulling the gas tube out so I could swap barrels, and with the positive feedback I received on the Facebook page, I decided to keep it the way it is.

So here it is, in all of it's glory!

Here is the text from the most recent Facebook post. "So the other day I showed a picture of my Retro A1/A2 rifle and my plans on modernizing it into a M16A4 configuration. Well I got a lot of positive feedback and decided to keep my retro AR retro and just build a new one all together. For those interested, here are some pictures of my Retro build! From back to front I have a surplus A1 stock. Now if you are planning on building one yourself, remember that you do not need the A2 buffer tube extension. It's fitted into an Anderson lower which is marked up from building it pretty much with no tools and a Rock River Arms A2 upper. There is also a A1 surplus gripe. Its attached to an Anderson 20in Heavy barrel, surplus A1 triangle hand guards and a new production 3 prong muzzle device.

I also run the blog if you want to check that out. But as always, you can get the information on this post and don't need to check it out if you don't want. Thanks for reading."

*Please note that the links will open an AdFly ad first, then in 5 seconds you will have the option to continue to the deal. This helps me make pennies and I much appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Changing Retro AR

If you've followed any of this, you may have seen my "Retro" A1/A2 clone.

Here's a picture of it. A little hard to tell, but we have surplus A1 pistol grips, stock and triangle hand guards. The muzzle device is a new production three prong. The A2 portion comes in the fact that it is a current lower and an A2 upper. But throw on a 20 round magazine and most people are not going to notice the difference.

Wanting something a little bit more modern, I have decided to create a M16A4 clone just like the Marine Corps gave me.

Obviosuly, I'm not going to put a Trijicon or PEQ 15 on it. I don't have that crazy cash! But perhaps fake ones would be cool if I feel so inclined.

So step one. The Knight Armament M5 RAS Handguard. Look at it. It gorgous! Traditional and unlike the MLOK or Keymod stuff you only see now a days. But it is heavy as hell! A price tag of $276 is not cheap tho.

Luckily, I was able to find a seller online that has them surplus for about $110 shipped. I should be here in a few days so I'll be sure to update on the quality once I get it in so be sure to check back!